Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm pretty pumped, because in just two days I will have almost finished my first year at university, which went so abnormally quickly. While I am super glad that I have made it through all of the first year rigmarole, I'm a little bit nostalgic. But it is all good. I have enjoyed my first year immensely, and I find that I am uber inspired to study a lot more than what I've done already.

On other news, I'm going to start trying to write a novel that I have had the ideas for floating around in my head for a fair while, so I am looking forward to doing that as well. I just only hope that I will be able to keep on blogging while I'm (hopefully) churning out a fair bit of writing each day.
Either way, I think that I will be able to keep both of the projects up during the summer, mainly because I won't really have too much else that I will need to do.

Some good news is that the songs that I asked Itunes to get and put on their e-store are FINALLY UP, in the Australian one at least. It does seem to take a while to get some songs out here, and I really can't figure out why it should take so long. I know there are copyright laws and everything, but yeah.

AND just to wrap up, I think that I may have an idea about what I want to do for my next post, which is my 100th post. I'm going to go back to doing something that seemed to be fairly popular, and although I am not going to tell you what it is that I have got planned, i think that this may or may not give you a little clue.

Till then
peace folks x

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