Monday, September 26, 2011


So this year I've decided that I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The whole aim of the month is to write like crazy and churn out a 50,000 word work of fiction, which at first sounds fairly daunting, but it works out to roughly 1600 words a day. Which works out to be a devilishly 66.6 words an hour, or 1.1 words a minute. Of course, you can't be writing one word a minute for a whole month, but I'm sure that you catch my drift.

Given that you're not really supposed to start writing your novel before November, which is when all this frivolity takes place, I've been thinking of starting to get a little bit of an idea of a story, just so I can work on developing the characters I'll be writing with over the month, get acquainted with them, if you will.

The problem is, what to write about? There are an infinite amount of topics that one could write about, so many that simply choosing a topic to write about will be a bit of a task in itself, but I'm kind of excited at just seeing where my imagination goes.

Has anyone else out there in the blogosphere participated in NaNoWriMo, or have decided to have a go this year, because it would be great to have some writing buddies for encouragement.

x peace folks

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Matthew, brad here, we met at 1050 in Katoomba last week but I had to take my brother home & you'd left when I got back. Anyhow, gimme a call or txt on 0437963377 and perhaps we can meet for a coffee. Cheers fella x
