Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sweet Sunday

So today was one of those really relaxing Sundays, where there isn't a whole lot of stress, no iminent assignments that I haven't started on yet, nothing at all to worry about, so you're just able to relax, so I thought that today was just as good a day as any to give my next term subjects a think over and see what I want to do.
Just touching on the dilemma yesterday, I think that what I'm going to do (and sorry if this bores you, but this is pretty much more for me than anything else) is that I'm going to do a media subject next term, and then by the end of the year I might actually have a better idea of what it is I want to do. My reckoning is that if I wait until next year to try some media subjects, and then it doesn't really work out, it would probably put me in more of a spot than if I just did it next semester. So in that respect I think that my mind is pretty well made up.
But yeah, today was pretty good, went to Rovers tonight which was alright. We don't actually do a lot to be honest, and my commitment levels are wavering at best, but it's nice. I think that I will definitely try and make the effort to keep going, i do really enjoy it, plus for the moment I don't have uni on mondays, so it all works out. Tomorrow, I think that I will head off into Parramatta and just give out resumes left, right and centre, and see if that works, and then just do a bit of homework, so just a bit of a quiet Monday as well. And let's be honest, I really could use a job. :|

I am really glad though that I have found the effort to blog everyday though, even if it really isn't about a whole lot. I always mean to find interesting things but that never really comes into fruition, though. Perhaps I will try and get a few things together for the week, see how that goes. This could be really good practice if I do eventually want to get into journalism. But we'll see how it all pans out. For now, I think that it is almost bedtime! i might watch some of 'it's always sunny' first though. :D

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